
Friday 11 October 2013


Today marks the DAY OF THE GIRL and as we get through the day I want to plead with you all to remember the little girls out there
who are crying and suffering in silence.

They are forced into a life that they cannot understand, a life that takes away their innocence and childhood, a life that takes away their education and good health, a life that takes away their human rights and freedom, a life that turns them into me statistics, a life that takes away their life.

It is amazing how we fight against those who take our oil, or increase the price of fuel, or our money to enrich themselves, or our teachers salary, or our electricity, but we cannot stand up and fight for the survival and human rights of our little girls. 
To think that a country like Nigeria would rather focus their attention on court battles between  political parties because all they are interested in is the next group of greedy people who want to Rule us, who  will continue to take everything we have for themselves so the vicious cycle can continue.
We see how our leaders and lawmakers shamelessly fight physically for very silly and greedy reasons with the whole world watching on YouTube. 

How I wish these fights were about issues like protecting the girl child and persecuting those who are violating them.
When things don't concern us or affect us directly we tend to feel some form of emotion for a few minutes and after that we move on with our day. But when a pressing issue concerns us or our families we start to call the press to come and help us put our fights and campaign out there.
These little girls are helpless and depending on us the adults to speak for them and fight for them. Not everyone can be a NUJOOD ALI or a MALALA. 
"Nujood Ali"

Today I am challenging you to do something, go on your twitter, Facebook, instagram, linked in, blogs whatever social media you have and start talking about these issues. Post pictures, send emails to people you know are close to the government, look around a rural area near you and discover some of these girls and if you are afraid to tell their story or identify them, you can let us know. There are people who can get to these girls and find ways to help them. Even if all you can do is tweet about it then please do. If you can hold small conferences or awareness programs around you and speak to the uneducated people who do these things then you would have given the little  girls the voice they do not have.

To say that I am ashamed that the Nigerian senate have decided to let the deletion of the clause in the constitution die a natural death, is an understatement. One would think that by now we would have heard a thing or two about the efforts or the meetings to try and resolve this. Instead we here about the fights and how over two hundred people accompanied the federal government  officials to the united nations summit in the united states of America.
These people were flown and accommodated in expensive hotels, given their " per diem" (which is usually more than you can imagine)  for each of them and of course the usual thank you for coming package. Check the Internet for details of the summit and find out how many people came from other countries. 

Pray for these girls if that is all you can do, or wear pink and take a picture of yourself with the caption "save the girls".

Save our little girls today and please watch the YouTube video I created for this. 


God bless you all.

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